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The Wolverien hunter features a full tang for good balance and strengh. The handle handle is beautiful curly Mango Wood and fits comfortably in the hand for a positive sure grip. The blade steel is 1095 carbon steel differentially heat treated to a hardness of ~60Rc on the edge for great edge retension and ~50Rc along the spine for great toughness. The blade finish is gray satin for non-reflectiveness. The Wolverien Hunter comes with a tooled leather sheath. The listed price includes free shipping anywhere in the United States.


The Badger features a short clipped blade that is just under 4 inches long by 1.5 inches wide and 1/8 inches thick. This knife is made from priemum ATS-34 its hardened to 60-61Rc for great edge holding. This Badger fits comfortably in your hand and balances very nicely. The handle is make from stacked leather with elk antler and the guard and pommel are of brass. The Badger comes with a nicely tooled brown leather sheath.

Gentlemans Carver

This is a great looking general purpose knife I call the Gentlemans Carver. The the damascus comes from Alabama Damascus and its made from 52100, 5160, 203E and 15N20. The blade is a very slight drop point design and is about 3/32" thick. The handle is Ivory Micarta that resemble ancient ivory and is secured to the knifes full tang with loveless bolts. The gurad is made from brass. This knife comes with a a black tooled pouch style leather sheath.

Hawaiian Ironwood Fox

The Fox is a great general purpose and hunting knife. The drop point designs retain good strength in the point and combine plenty of belly in the blade for effecient slicing and cutting. This model features a 1/8" thick ATS-34 stainless blade which is known for exceptional edge retention. The handle is curly Hawaiian ironwood from the Big Island. The handle is secured to the knifes full tapered tang with loveless bolts and also has a lanyard hole. The gurad is made from brass. The Fox comes with a brown tooled pouch style leather sheath.

Deer Hunter

The Deer Hunter is a great size for most of your in the field chores. Its blade is ATS-34 stainless steel hardened to approximaly 59-60Rc for great edge holding, making short work of that elk or buck you have down. This blade is 3/16" thick with elk antler handles bolted to the knifes full tang. This Deer Hunter comes with a tooled brown leather sheath.

For more information please email or call me (Kelley) at 707-479-2530.

The listed price includes free shipping to anywhere in the United States.

Alabama Damascus Hunter

The Alabama Damascus Hunter is an very attractive knife that you'll be proud to carry on your hip or show off to friends. But this knife is not jut a head turner it's a hard working tool. The Damascus is made by Alabama Damascus Steel right here in the good old USA. The mixture is 52100, 15N20, 5160 and 203E folded up to give 416 layers. This blade is a full .3" thick so there a lot of steel there. The handle is deer antler with just enough leather stacked up for contrast. This knife comes with a tooled leather sheath.


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