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Appalachian Hunter

The Appalachian Hunter features a clipped point blade design that makes all manner of hunting and camping chores easy. The 1/8" thick 1095 High Carbon Tool steel is differentially heat treated and holds an outstanding edge. The blade is finished with a browning, like an old black power rifle, giving this knife an old well maintained look. The finish also inhibits any further rusting of the blade but if rusting does occur it is easily blended back in with a little steel wool and oil. The handle is the forked section of deer horn with rosewood spacer. The tang of the knife very deeply into knife handle for high strength. A brown leather sheath comes with the knife.

Overall Length: 
10 inches
Blade Length: 
5 inches
Blade Finish: 
Red Satin (plumb brown)
Rosewood and deer antler

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