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Tear Drop Skinner Damascus

This knife fits and feels like an extension of your own hand. The short blade with a full belly is great for skinning and its size makes it light and easy to carry. The .174" thick Damascus steel blade is differentially heat treated which gives a hard edge (~60 Rc) for great edge retention and a softer back so the blade will not break. The Damascus is made by Alabama Damascus Steel right here in the good old USA. The mixture is 52100, 15N20, 5160 and 203E folded up to give 416 layers.  The Tear Drop Skinner comes with a tooled brown leather sheath. The listed price includes free shipping to anywhere in the United States.

Overall Length: 
approximately 6.5 inches
Blade Length: 
approximately 3 inches
Blade Metal: 
Blade Finish: 
Hawaiian Iron wood

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