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Wild Horse Bowie with Cocobolo and Elk antler

The Wild Horse Bowie is a classical western style Bowie that is great for hunting, camping, horse back riding or that just looks good on your belt if full cowboy action dress. The blade is made from 3/16 inch thick 1095 high carbon steel so there is no worry about period correctness. It is differentially heat treated with a hard edge approximately 60 Rc for retention and softer spine for maximal toughness, this guy is almost unbreakable. The handle is a through tang design with the tang extending all the back and mechanically fastened to the pommel at the end. Its grip consists of Cocobolo wood with white and black spacers for highlight and elk antler. The guard and pommel are bass. This knife also has a nice tooled brown leather sheath. The leather is 8-9 ounce weight.


Overall Length: 
12 Inches
Blade Length: 
7 Inches
Blade Finish: 
Satin Steel
Cocobolo wood and elk antler

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