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Panther Tanto

Tanto with clay hamon and black stingray skin

Jaguar Tanto

This tanto is 3/16th of an inch thick and made 1095 high carbon steel. It has a gray oxide finish on the blade which gives a non-reflective finish. The blade is differentially heat treatmented to produce a hard edge for good edge retention while maintaining a tough knife. The temperline on the blade also looks nice. The Jaguar comes with a tooled black leather sheath.

Little Storm Tanto

The Little Storm Tanto is ground from 3/16 inch thick 1095 high carbon steel then differentially heat treated. This treatment give you the very best in both exceptional toughness and to edge holding. The finish is gray oxide which brings out the hamon line and provides a non-reflective look. Paracord is wrapped over black ray skin in the traditional interlocking crisscross style then epoxy soaked for increased wear resistance. There are two sterling silver dolphins, one on each side. The Little Storm comes with a quality hand stitched and tooled black leather sheath.

Panther Tanto

For maximum strength and great balance the Panther Tanto has a full tang meaning the blade is the handle with black nylon webbing wrapped over real Cobra skin and a Turks Head knot of parracord. For extra durability the wrapping is set with a penetrating epoxy that leaves the handle looking natural and dry. The beautiful hamon on this 1/4" thick 1095 steel blade was produced with a traditional clay heat treatment which also gives the knife the characteristic upswept appearance. The Panther Tanto comes with a nicely tooled leather black sheath.

Lepard Tanto

This tanto is 1/4th of an inch thick and made 1095 high carbon steel. It has a satin gray finish on its blade which produces a nice non-reflective finish. The blade is differentially heat treatmented by the traditional clay treatment and as seen in the photo produced a beautiful hamon. This is a full tang knife for maximum strenght and has an epoxy soaked black nylon wrapped over red cobra skin. The skin is real not a substitute. The Jaguar comes with a tooled black leather sheath. The listed price includes free shipping to anywhere in the United States.

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